~gciolini: Lavanda.
Aldenucci: 1/52. De revesgueio
Ale_♥: My cat hiding inside christmas tree
blond thunder: 01:34 a.m.
Amanda Oliveira -: Sun is shining.
Flaviele Leite: [146/366]
Monkey Wings: There.
Monkey Wings: ......the only exception
Monkey Wings: Day two hundred and seventy nine
Monkey Wings: 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120
Monkey Wings: Day two hundred and seventy seven
Monkey Wings: Day three hundred and nineteen
line-cardoso: Sun...
Douglas da Nóbrega: Tree -Guaratinguetá (SP)
Douglas da Nóbrega: Longevo y el Mono.
Douglas da Nóbrega: Lonely Woman
~gciolini: verão vermelho.
~gciolini: doce,
~gciolini: ipê
~gciolini: vermelho, amor
Izabel Fardim: Flores.
Izabel Fardim: Nostalgia.