Agueda Horn: Folha, 5 novembro 2012
Sara Lechner: titel
hens teeth: envelope artwork on wooden block
Julie Van Wezemael: Vogelschouw
sally_wolfe_: new card designs
Jee663: HB TO 范范
sally_wolfe_: FM13 pregnant kitty
virginhoney: similarities
Geninne: black white blue
mpt.1607: o Erte's Naughty Alphabet suite 1927-67
clara maffei: Book Sculptures
Geninne: Envelope Roodborstje na eten en drinken
Elsita (Elsa Mora): Miniature Artists' Book
virginhoney: my dearest stuff
Cecilia Levy: the chosen one
hine: Giant Cat + TVs + Hot Dog
donna malone: eternal owl
milk is knife: Upside-down roofhead.