Tathagata Journeys: Prayer Flags of Rizong
Tathagata Journeys: explore dream discover
Tathagata Journeys: Prayerflags on Tonglu
Tathagata Journeys: danceindia.jpg
Tathagata Journeys: Happy Woman's Day!
Tathagata Journeys: Happy Onam
Tathagata Journeys: When it rains!
Tathagata Journeys: Winning team & our Prize
Tathagata Journeys: The finalists
Tathagata Journeys: Savory times
Tathagata Journeys: Prayer Wheel
Tathagata Journeys: Activities at Tathagata Farm
Tathagata Journeys: Find Tathagata Farm here in the travel guide map of Darjeeling
Tathagata Journeys: Modest huts for your stay
Tathagata Journeys: Small pool for recreation
Tathagata Journeys: Rajeev's weekened at the farm
Tathagata Journeys: Abhinav is a fish
Tathagata Journeys: Kids just love being at the farm
Tathagata Journeys: Swimming time
Tathagata Journeys: Feeling the earth and the sun at one time
Tathagata Journeys: Little monsters showing off their catch from the fresh stream nearby
Tathagata Journeys: They did eat that, if you are wondering.
Tathagata Journeys: Fresh food after an exhausting swim
Tathagata Journeys: Other activities at Tathagata Farm