Dhina A: butterweed
FotoGrazio: Hummingbird humor
Punkroyaltiger: View from home
Dhina A: Paris, France - 2
CJS*64: Am I alright to park here for a hour ? (Explored)
BenChapmanphoto: Like butter wouldnt melt....but it does melt...oh yes it does melt...trust me
joy.jordan: happy friday
Dave Hoefler: Guarded
David John Photography: Number 2 clippers
Pavezka: gatinta
David John Photography: Run, run, runaway
Lostash: Fungi 2017 A - 325
Pavezka: espada y sombra
raimundl79: mountain love
FotoGrazio: Macaws painting the sky
Dave Hoefler: I'm Always On The Verge Of Waking Up
technodean2000: Lifebuoy
Söckchen: Look down