Tarsh Watson: Autumnal grove.
Tarsh Watson: My happy place. Family love, quiet and beauty.
Tarsh Watson: He is officially taller than me now. 😢 #stilltallerthantheyoungesttwo
Tarsh Watson: The silver lining of an early start. #waipawabound
Tarsh Watson: #aprillove2017 #wooden #lookingforward
Tarsh Watson: Next to her creation.
Tarsh Watson: Treasure from the beach as I was taking a walk to exorcise old demons. #blue #aprillove2017
Tarsh Watson: On Petone Beach. I wonder if she said yes. 💑❤💑
Tarsh Watson: A bit foggy today...
Tarsh Watson: All that work she did was to change their family legacy and what stories they inherited and passed on. #finishingoldpages #changingstorylines #artjournal
Tarsh Watson: She turned away from all she knew because she had no choice. Finishing a page started 3 years ago turns it in a completely different direction from where it started. #artjournal
Tarsh Watson: Restarting an old art journal for right now. Looking at the earlier half finished work, I can't even remember starting it. I might go back later and finish some off. Maybe. #wip #newbeginnings #coverpage #artjournal
Tarsh Watson: Noticing the size difference between them in just 14 months.
Tarsh Watson: They celebrate St Patrick's Day a bit differently at each of their schools!
Tarsh Watson: All I have. #21embody #artjournal
Tarsh Watson: Sending my pelvis some compassion tonight and for the next wee while as it helps support my body to carry new life, and the stretching and changes that result from birthing...physically and emotionally. #21embody day 4 #bones #artjournal
Tarsh Watson: A struggle with the page. #21embody #day3 #back #artjournal
Tarsh Watson: Tommy is a bit naughty....drawing on their photos!! #elfontheshelf 😂😂😂
Tarsh Watson: Someone wanted his mum to put her phone away!!
Tarsh Watson: Turkeys.
Tarsh Watson: Dudes!
Tarsh Watson: This divine boy makes me cry with how fast he is growing and the young man he is becoming, also how quickly the end of term is coming and his last days at the school he started when he was five! #timeneedstoslowdownabit
Tarsh Watson: These two have been friends since afternoon kindy when they were three! So delicious and amazing and hilarious young men they are growing into. #seniorsocialdance #theymademecry
Tarsh Watson: He was well received this morning and he had been christened Tommy. #elfontheshelf
Tarsh Watson: And so it begins!! #elfontheshelf
Tarsh Watson: So proud of this boy of mine who has been awarded a scholarship to St Pat's next year!! So proud of all his efforts...also I will bear in mind how well bribery of ps4 games motivates him.
Tarsh Watson: Ran out of baubles but nearly there!!
Tarsh Watson: #jessetree #adventday2 Dear Lord, Please help us to do the right thing.
Tarsh Watson: #jessetree #adventday1 #creation Thank you Lord for making our wonderful earth.
Tarsh Watson: The #activityadvent calendar all set up and ready to go!!!!