taren maroun: hitting the road with three hours of sleep, a cracked iPhone screen and a new reminder to always weigh in favor of one another, in all that we do. So, from me to you, in light of life "may the odds be ever in (y)our favor." Yours and ours. Together. As on
taren maroun: we are what's ahead; we would do well to remember that.
taren maroun: I will give myself this gift, I will feel what I am feeling in all things. And then I will allow truth and hope to wash away the residue of what I can't not control.
taren maroun: #currentmood
taren maroun: To all my Muslim friends, LGBTQ friends, my Black, Latino, Asian friends, my friends of the opposite sex, to my friends who've fought poverty their entire life, and my friends who have been strong enough to conquer various disabilities... Just know, that
taren maroun: I woke up this morning and realized that in a little over a week I will be on a plane to the UK for three weeks of winter-wandering! whaaaaaaat. England, Scotland, Wales.. which of you cuties are there? and who wants to play?! Also, PLEASE NOTE, I'm 100%
taren maroun: when your incense smells like woodsmoke and you exist only in the pages of adventure,
taren maroun: sometimes i exist on the other side of the lens,
taren maroun: morning reading turned black out poetry. receive the love. let it seep into the deepest parts of our being. words by @lmtankersley -- tag a friend and send some mid week love!
taren maroun: embrace your honesty, tend your ferocity; love your wild. be gentle, be fierce, be brave, be smart, be soft. you are all of these, and you need not apologize for them. own your light, trust your gut, stay open and say yes.
taren maroun: once upon a time, and all the balloons ago
taren maroun: there is an ocean of potential within you and while it can get a little stormy in there, believe it when I say BABY, YOUR FUTURE IS SO BRIGHT! ✨
taren maroun: I watch as he wanders, the great lone lead
taren maroun: three words, and all of who I am right now
taren maroun: PSA: Hey. You are worth it. You are worth waiting for. You are worth fighting for. You are worth dreaming of. You are worthy of love. You are worth believing in. You are worth the distance, the depth, the sweat and the tears that it takes for you to be un
taren maroun: there is distance to be had
taren maroun: No one can take you from you; no one can make you less than all of who you are. Let them in, love them well and let them leave if they must. You are no less whole for having let them see you. Let them see you.
taren maroun: EARTHBORN
taren maroun: this sun-mama is going to be all over my feed for the next bit because, daaaayuuum ☀️✨
taren maroun: halloween feels,
taren maroun: 3rd season
taren maroun: 3rd season ~
taren maroun: Greek God Series ii : Aphrodite
taren maroun: Greek God Series ii : Aphrodite
taren maroun: Greek God Series ii : Aphrodite
taren maroun: Greek God Series ii : Aphrodite
taren maroun: Greek God Series ii : Aphrodite