tara•b: Burst.
tara•b: Fore!
tara•b: Solitude.
tara•b: the secret to life is knowing when to hold on. and knowing when to let go.
tara•b: Crash Into Me.
tara•b: dangerous land. disorderly sea.
tara•b: Kiss Me In The Rain.
tara•b: Life's not fair. It ain't a circus, either.
tara•b: Hold fast to your dreams, for without them, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.
tara•b: Come Away With Me.
tara•b: PW "Love" Contest
tara•b: Be Married.
tara•b: just married.
tara•b: Let's Go Fly a Kite....
tara•b: Oh, Hi.
tara•b: carwash
tara•b: Be Mine.
tara•b: Learn.
tara•b: Crash Course. {Explored}
tara•b: Dear Fall,
tara•b: •Remember The Tea Pot. It's Always Up To Its Neck In Hot Water, Yet It Still Sings•
tara•b: Beary Merry
tara•b: •I Have Been Driven Many Times To My Knees By The Overwhelming Conviction That I Had Nowhere Else To Go•{Explored}
tara•b: Lest We Forget How Fragile We Are. {Explored}
tara•b: Bench Monday: Things Just Didn't Go My Way Today Edition. {Explored}