celesteville: glamor!!!!!!!!
celesteville: from the canopy of a Toyota Tacoma
celesteville: PICT0007.JPG
celesteville: PICT0018.JPG
celesteville: PICT0017.JPG
celesteville: PICT0016.JPG
celesteville: PICT0015.JPG
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celesteville: PICT0013.JPG
celesteville: PICT0012.JPG
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celesteville: PICT0010.JPG
celesteville: in the back of Olivier's van
celesteville: early-morning flash photography
celesteville: from the Astrid Plaza Hotel, Antwerp
celesteville: recording "Beat It" in Antwerp
celesteville: me and Wim
celesteville: Freaks End Future
celesteville: Parisian GW miasma
celesteville: more Paris
celesteville: Celesteville in Paris
celesteville: Celesteville in Paris
celesteville: Celesteville in Paris
celesteville: Celesteville in Paris
celesteville: me and Graham
celesteville: Twoise Squat Quoke
celesteville: God Willing in Paris
celesteville: La Miroiterie
celesteville: Mike in Amsterdam
celesteville: Ren in Amsterdam