tantonr: Morning Tai Chi at Sea
tantonr: "Hmm...not as good as I remember it."
tantonr: "Why worry?"
tantonr: RC Independence of the Seas
tantonr: "Typewriter Eraser"
tantonr: Lonely Wedding Bartendress
tantonr: Down the Steet
tantonr: "So... you come here often?"
tantonr: "Hmm..."
tantonr: "Grrrrr..."
tantonr: Heading Home
tantonr: Nice Day Out
tantonr: Finishing Touches
tantonr: The Big Studio
tantonr: "Is the pizza here yet?"
tantonr: Chairman of the Board
tantonr: A Good Book for the Train
tantonr: Best Friends Out for a Stroll
tantonr: Life by the Side of the Road
tantonr: Snake and Monkey Show at the Galle Face
tantonr: Figures at the Temple
tantonr: Wedding Photos at the Galle Face
tantonr: At the House of the Kapinu Family
tantonr: "It's right down there, Lady. You can't miss it!"
tantonr: An Afternoon Wine on the Vltava
tantonr: Cabinet in the Corner
tantonr: Resting by the Needlepoint Booth
tantonr: Happy, Young Photographer at Sundown
tantonr: Safe Harbor
tantonr: "The Way to Happiness" at Sunrise