Vasilikos Lukas: broken glass
Vasilikos Lukas: no title
Vasilikos Lukas: no title
Vasilikos Lukas: no title
_ARSH_: Rain Down on Me
toe_hunter: scan0001ii
*sapa*: odd one {facing} out
caryn74: The Life of Emile Zola
fayeshka: Doodling for Therapy (Scanned)
fayeshka: Alone Together
manyfires: self portrait: two seconds of a summer evening
ohsofaithfulivia.: isaac eats trees
celeste li: Day fifty eight.
Nicholas Gore: Day 841 - Stuck On A Plane For 9 Hours
Sudachi: 運動会
cindyloughridge: Eat more ramen
TomLA: Shattered
"Anwaar: Somewhere there is someone that dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile, so when you are lonely remember it’s true, someone somewhere is thinking of you
• a snail race: for a moment
joey kennedy: everywhere i go