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Inside, 2020 by Tania A.
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Tania A.
Inside, 2020, Steamy Window
Tania A.
Inside, 2020, Christmas Cactus Re-blooming in April
Tania A.
Inside, 2020, Blue Suitcase
Tania A.
Inside, 2020, Murky Life, Glass of a Framed Photograph Reflecting my Kitchen
Tania A.
Inside, 2020, Peonies and Alarm Clock
Tania A.
Inside, 2020, Beam of Light
Tania A.
Inside, 2020, Cone Flowers in a Vase
Tania A.
Inside, 2020, Shadow Portrait
Tania A.
Inside, 2020, Sea Tile (Like Sea Glass), Found on the Leslie Spit
Tania A.
Inside, 2020, Christmas Cactus, Shadow Patterns
Tania A.
Inside, 2020, Low Sun Lighting up the Hallway Wall
Tania A.
Inside, 2020, Kitchen Shelf Things
Tania A.
Inside, 2020, Blender, Tongs, Scissors, Asparagus Bits
Tania A.
Inside, 2020, Poetic Champions Compose on the Record Player
Tania A.
Inside, Mama and Baby Rubber Ducks, 2020
Tania A.
Inside, 2020, Christmas Tree Ball