Tania A.: Fundy National Park, Pointe Wolfe Beach, Two People In the Fog
Tania A.: Fundy National Park, New Brunswick, Point Wolfe Bay, High Tide
Tania A.: Fundy National Park, Point Wolfe Bay, New Brunswick, Photographing the Photographer
Tania A.: Fundy National Park, Seen on Pointe Wolfe Beach
Tania A.: Fundy National Park, Pointe Wolfe River, View Downriver
Tania A.: The Winter Beach, Two Views, Big Cloud
Tania A.: Bouctouche, Field of Wildflowers
Tania A.: Fundy National Park, New Brunswick, Point Wolfe Bay, In the Fog
Tania A.: Fundy National Park, Point Wolfe Beach, Sea Cave Interior
Tania A.: Fundy National Park, New Brunswick, Point Wolfe Bay Emptied
Tania A.: Fundy National Park, Pointe Wolfe Beach
Tania A.: Fundy National Park, Point Wolfe Bay, Giant Gravel Bar
Tania A.: Point Wolfe Beach, In the Fog
Tania A.: Fundy National Park, Point Wolfe Bay, Point Wolfe River
Tania A.: Bouctouche, Field of Sumac
Tania A.: Fundy National Park, Point Wolfe Bay, Four Views from Above
Tania A.: Fundy National Park, Point Wolfe River, View Upstream from the Covered Bridge
Tania A.: Cap Enragé, Fossilized Tree Embedded in a Rock