skinnydiver: Takes 2 Federicos
skinnydiver: Portrait: Experts in their own areas
skinnydiver: The fruits of a year of labour
skinnydiver: Natural drying
skinnydiver: Coffee rust/Roya
skinnydiver: Another view of the affected trees by Roya
skinnydiver: Back breaking work
skinnydiver: Another rust affect tree
skinnydiver: Not so raisin
skinnydiver: Women pickers
skinnydiver: Chat of the day
skinnydiver: Sorting
skinnydiver: Weigh in
skinnydiver: Recording
skinnydiver: Hard work
skinnydiver: Natural drying beds of Los Pirineos
skinnydiver: Raised beds
skinnydiver: Planting
skinnydiver: Keeping it nice and cool
skinnydiver: Little soldiers
skinnydiver: Are you impressed?
skinnydiver: Checking into Beneficio Tuxpal to say hi to one of the nicest coffee families in the country and a sneak preview to the coffees processed in this mill this year. Yield in most farms is still ravaged by the coffee rust but quality seems to be holding up. W
skinnydiver: 15hrs on after leaving Guatemala City, not helped by road blocks by disgruntled locals angry with rising electrical tariffs, we finally arrived in Finca Vista Hermosa as the light starts to fade but with such a view the next morning, it definitely felt li
skinnydiver: Lovely day to start in Huehuetenago! #nyloncoffeetravels
skinnydiver: Lots of mangoes and bananas at the local market in Huehue, ended up with a yellow feast of fruit intake 🍌
skinnydiver: Visited my first Maya ruin on our way back into Huehue city, quite a sight to behold #nyloncoffeetravels
skinnydiver: Parting shot of Volcan de Agua overlooking the city of Antigua. This area has 3 distinct volcanoes overlooking the city and a prominent coffee producing region in Guatemala. We were fortunate to be treated to a lovely home cook meal by the aunt of our hos
skinnydiver: Gilberto Baraona (left), owner of Los Pirineos and farm manager, Luis Gutierrez
skinnydiver: Gilberto at Los Pirineos
skinnydiver: Orange Bourbon