skinnydiver: Finca San Jose
skinnydiver: Los Pirineos
skinnydiver: Cafe Tuxpal
skinnydiver: Raking coffees on the patios
skinnydiver: 2016 brand new look
skinnydiver: looks can be delicious
skinnydiver: Drying coffees
skinnydiver: A neighbourhood shop
skinnydiver: Coffees drying on raised beds
skinnydiver: Depulping coffee cherries
skinnydiver: Pacamara
skinnydiver: Sorting cherries
skinnydiver: Harvest time
skinnydiver: Orange Bourbon
skinnydiver: Gilberto at Los Pirineos
skinnydiver: Cupping at @thebarnberlin, together with a group of Italian visiting baristas. Thank you for having us! #tbt
skinnydiver: Walking the farm
skinnydiver: Ripening cherries
skinnydiver: Rubén Darío Gómez
skinnydiver: Family of Rubén Darío Gómez
skinnydiver: In a sea of coffee trees
skinnydiver: Having a good banter
skinnydiver: Enjoying some fresh mora juice
skinnydiver: 3 happy producers
skinnydiver: Heading out of Medellin, looking back at the suburbs by the steep mountain sides. #nyloncoffeetravels #colombia
skinnydiver: A day of hard work picking cherries
skinnydiver: Freshly picked cherries
skinnydiver: Gilberto Baraona (left), owner of Los Pirineos and farm manager, Luis Gutierrez
skinnydiver: Capturing that moment