skinnydiver: View from MSFT_SG 1
skinnydiver: View from MSFT_SG 2
skinnydiver: View from Peach Garden Restaurant
skinnydiver: Mun & dad
skinnydiver: Mun & Mom
skinnydiver: Mun & Auntie
skinnydiver: Mun & Sis
skinnydiver: Mun & me
skinnydiver: Family
skinnydiver: Celica badge
skinnydiver: storm clouds gathering
skinnydiver: Date pudding @Artichoke, condensed milk, peanuts, sea salt, surprisingly tasty!
skinnydiver: a simple coffee menu
skinnydiver: the race queen of the day goes to...
skinnydiver: Happy Chinese New Year
skinnydiver: New Year fun
skinnydiver: Making faces
skinnydiver: trying out Kalita's new one-touch dripper for Sunday morning coffee
skinnydiver: gearing up to make some coffees on this v day for some really lucky office staff
skinnydiver: New kid on the block
skinnydiver: the machine
skinnydiver: Tasty wedding coffee
skinnydiver: Wedding cups
skinnydiver: Beans for sale
skinnydiver: sunset on reflections
skinnydiver: 1st year anniversary
skinnydiver: Milk Pouring
skinnydiver: save the earth, ditch that plastic bag