Tang420: seeing change your life.
Tang420: your position in time
Tang420: journey through your brain.
Tang420: border of unconscious and conscious. 潜在意識と顕在意識の境
Tang420: それは無い物ねだりだ. That's crying for the moon.
Tang420: consciousness journeys through time 意識が時間の中を旅する
Tang420: elapse impressional time 感動的な時間の経過
Tang420: time and journey 時間と旅 tiempo y el viaje
Tang420: The time will never stop? 時間が止まることは決してないのか
Tang420: during not thinking time 何も考えない時間 durante no pensar tiempo
Tang420: A point in a time その時点
Tang420: time going into overdrive 時間が加熱していく
Tang420: A moment: after first impression. 第一印象の後に Uno momento: Después de la primera impresión
Tang420: A moment: when you fall into between unconsciousness and consciousness 意識と無意識の谷間に落ち入る瞬間
Tang420: gender, antithesis, future. ジェンダー、対、未来。
Tang420: simple-mind goes simple-answer
Tang420: Time, air, emotion, and laugh. 時間、空気、感情、笑い。Tiempo, aire, emoción, y reír.
Tang420: where is abstract mind going?
Tang420: People, nature, science, with you
Tang420: because of your animus, my anima.
Tang420: sensible temperature that is when you seem real. 実感が湧いた瞬間の体感温度
Tang420: interval in journey 旅の合間
Tang420: Indian logical positivism.印度的論理実証主義
Tang420: Eye contact in vacation
Tang420: Are you superstitious? 迷信を信じるか
Tang420: when you leave me
Tang420: someone calling you 誰かが呼んでいる
Tang420: Philosophy of life 人生観
Tang420: Keep motivation 自発性を維持する
Tang420: Answer 答え