Tamooj: Springtime
Tamooj: Late Night Grape Thief
Tamooj: How to get Rabies
Tamooj: DSCN5536 (Large)
Tamooj: Morning in the rose garden
Tamooj: DSCN5167 (Large)
Tamooj: DSCN5521 (Large)
Tamooj: A rose in our garden
Tamooj: DSCN5223 (Large)
Tamooj: NotreDame Cloister Roses
Tamooj: I apparently represent a mystery to these Jungle Crows
Tamooj: Being trailed by another Jungle Crow
Tamooj: Still more surveillance
Tamooj: Oh my Grandma, what big teeth you have!
Tamooj: Under the window
Tamooj: Lupine Encounter of the 1st kind
Tamooj: Newton: Nabbed a Fig
Tamooj: Newton: Coyote under fig tree
Tamooj: One of our garden workers
Tamooj: Mike and his macro lens4
Tamooj: Mike and his macro lens3
Tamooj: Mike and his macro lens2
Tamooj: Mike and the macro lens
Tamooj: Morning Light
Tamooj: More Roses in the garden
Tamooj: A little warbler who bonked his head on the window
Tamooj: Rose in the yard
Tamooj: DSCN3575 (Custom)
Tamooj: Mexican Purple Sage for Hummingbirds
Tamooj: RoseGarden1