Tamooj: IMG_20211010_135936
Tamooj: IMG_20211004_093335
Tamooj: IMG_20211006_102954
Tamooj: Workshop interior
Tamooj: Framed out the first room for the workshop
Tamooj: Adding rooms to the workshop interior
Tamooj: Designed a thing, built a thing
Tamooj: Designed a thing, built a thing
Tamooj: Designed a thing, built a thing
Tamooj: Designed a thing, built a thing
Tamooj: Designed a thing, built a thing
Tamooj: Designed a thing, built a thing
Tamooj: McDade Watermelon Festival
Tamooj: Installing the solar controllers and batteries
Tamooj: Mörgana in a box!
Tamooj: More Mörgana!
Tamooj: More Mörgana!
Tamooj: Dawn at the farm
Tamooj: Pumpkin Nights event at Pioneer Farms in Austin
Tamooj: Finished solar array. 10kW
Tamooj: Solar Array - pedestal base.
Tamooj: Prepping to align the solar array against celestial North
Tamooj: Leveling the posts
Tamooj: The new studio/workshop (inside)
Tamooj: The new studio/workshop
Tamooj: Sunrise on the farm
Tamooj: Feral Cat now
Tamooj: Feral Cat... Nine months ago.
Tamooj: UM2 Nozzle block
Tamooj: UM2 rebuild