tammyjq41: Waiting to begin again
tammyjq41: The coolest frogs live in the gardens
tammyjq41: Simple
tammyjq41: Pieces of my Favorite Fountain in the Gardens
tammyjq41: I can turn your grey skies to blue
tammyjq41: A texture shot
tammyjq41: I have a new macro lens kit
tammyjq41: Will winter ever come
tammyjq41: A bloom of joy
tammyjq41: I found my prince again
tammyjq41: An Angel found her wings
tammyjq41: A Secret pond in the Garden
tammyjq41: Tails in Reflection
tammyjq41: Look even nuts wear caps
tammyjq41: The center of the orchid
tammyjq41: One of my shove it in and shoot pics