tammyjq41: Basking in the sun
tammyjq41: clouded leopard
tammyjq41: gorrilla girl
tammyjq41: silverback
tammyjq41: Striker
tammyjq41: Orangutan
tammyjq41: Just too cute
tammyjq41: Mom and Baby
tammyjq41: Drill
tammyjq41: Twins
tammyjq41: Baby gorrilla
tammyjq41: Python
tammyjq41: Anaconda
tammyjq41: Rattle snake
tammyjq41: Two girls
tammyjq41: Large male drill
tammyjq41: King of the mountain
tammyjq41: Panda
tammyjq41: I'll just close my eyes for a minute
tammyjq41: She is a beauty
tammyjq41: Red Georgia clay colored elephants
tammyjq41: Elephants are suppose to be grey
tammyjq41: They really are something to see
tammyjq41: I swallow rodents whole
tammyjq41: Why do they hide my food?
tammyjq41: Ahh that feels much better
tammyjq41: What a mom
tammyjq41: The otter family
tammyjq41: Hey you kids knock it off back there
tammyjq41: Too tired to care. Take the picture!