TAGlab: Participants' booths during showcase
TAGlab: Organizers testing open captions before the opening notes
TAGlab: Gamer Workers Unite presentation during the jam on Discord
TAGlab: Showcase space during closing remarks
TAGlab: Gather Town environment of the final showcase
TAGlab: Photo taken by mentor: Pippin
TAGlab: by Michael
TAGlab: Photo taken by organizer: Mike
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant: Mads
TAGlab: Photo taken by mentor: Nicole
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant: Ally
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant: Mads
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant: Danielle
TAGlab: Photo taken by organizer: Hazel
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant: Mads
TAGlab: Photo taken by organizer: Hazel
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant: Kevin Cadena
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant: Liane
TAGlab: Photo taken by mentor: Nicole
TAGlab: Team making session
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant: Nedward
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant: Brittni
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant: Daira
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant: Delta @wav_delta
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant: Julie
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant: Liane
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant: Mike (@mikehgmusic)
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant: Maya
TAGlab: Photo taken by participant Danielle Olson.