tackyjulie: Mexican Wrestlers wooden toy
tackyjulie: Football Rosary
tackyjulie: Breast-shaped dessert balls
tackyjulie: Golf Whizzer
tackyjulie: Self-portrait of Little Rosy Runabout
tackyjulie: More entries
tackyjulie: More entries
tackyjulie: "It's the Real Thing!" Coca Cola pants
tackyjulie: Decorative box with dog-faced girl on the cover
tackyjulie: "Hey, didn't I give this to you as a Christmas present?!"
tackyjulie: The scene at the road show
tackyjulie: Farting Bank demonstration
tackyjulie: Happy Jerk Off Clown
tackyjulie: Princess Bulldog
tackyjulie: The scene at the road show
tackyjulie: More entries
tackyjulie: More entries
tackyjulie: Purse made from Mountain Dew bottle caps
tackyjulie: Tacky Ashtray
tackyjulie: Naked Ladies Dulcimer Society
tackyjulie: Naked Ladies Dulcimer Society
tackyjulie: Naked Ladies Dulcimer Society
tackyjulie: Farting Santa
tackyjulie: Niagara Falls disaster snow globe
tackyjulie: "Let My People Go" toilet seat cover
tackyjulie: Take-out food carton
tackyjulie: Nutritional (ha!) information
tackyjulie: Gummy fried noodles
tackyjulie: with eyeballs
tackyjulie: and candy sauce