Tané Tachyon: Sam watches Dylan and Jon build Lego and Mega Bloks sets
Tané Tachyon: Peter, Jon, and Dylan jam
Tané Tachyon: Dylan asked Arthur to wrap him up like a mummy
Tané Tachyon: Dylan wants both Jon and Arthur to wrap him up like a mummy
Tané Tachyon: Jon and Dylan read while Peter takes a nap
Tané Tachyon: Dylan asked Sam to wrestle with him
Tané Tachyon: More of Sam and Dylan wrestling
Tané Tachyon: Peter photographs Dylan and Jon going over the Mega Bloks instructions
Tané Tachyon: Jon helps Dylan get something pressed down on the Mega Bloks dragon ship
Tané Tachyon: Dylan and Jon attach the masts and sails to the Mega Bloks dragon ship
Tané Tachyon: Balor comes to inspect the Mega Bloks dragon ship
Tané Tachyon: Dylan shows Balor how the ship's dragon figurehead moves and lights up
Tané Tachyon: More of Dylan showing Balor how the ship's dragon figurehead works
Tané Tachyon: A very Games-Group-like photo: Dominion players and snacks
Tané Tachyon: Dinner at Sabieng Thai Cuisine
Tané Tachyon: Sam, Dylan, and Jon build with Legos
Tané Tachyon: Dylan wanted me to take a picture of how he had stacked up the Lego baseplates
Tané Tachyon: Playing Lego Racers with Dylan and Sam
Tané Tachyon: Dylan eats a bagel and moves his car forward in Lego Racers
Tané Tachyon: Peter and Dylan take a nap
Tané Tachyon: Dylan exercises on the elliptical machine
Tané Tachyon: Peter gives Arthur a shoulder massage while he plays Dominion with Jon and Sam
Tané Tachyon: Dylan (in Peter's sweatshirt) and Arthur on the deck
Tané Tachyon: Dylan and Jon bounce each other on the trampoline
Tané Tachyon: Dylan bounces Jon on the trampoline
Tané Tachyon: Another picture of Dylan bouncing Jon on the trampoline
Tané Tachyon: Stevie B. and Steven are visiting; Dylan and Peter are packing the Mega Bloks dragon ship in their suitcase
Tané Tachyon: Dinner at the Pearl of the Ocean Sri Lankan restaurant
Tané Tachyon: Another photo at Pearl of the Ocean
Tané Tachyon: Dylan is off to spend his last night in the hotel