Tané Tachyon: A "Little Planet"-mode version of a 360° photo I took of myself in the "Queer Santa Cruz" exhibit at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History right after Santa Cruz Pride this year (I really need to get around to uploading all my Pride photos)
Tané Tachyon: My California State Senator John Laird giving a rousing GOTV speech to Swing Left Santa Cruz on the morning of June 8
Tané Tachyon: After having added the solar-powered star lights earlier this month I also added this pinwheel, for a once-again fancier/more-eye-catching Biden/Harris sign setup!
Tané Tachyon: It had gotten quite dark out, and while on one hand my Biden/Harris sign is more readable with the solar star lights than without, on the other hand it's dark enough for the red "E" stripes to look more like ¾ of the Black Flag logo tipped on its side
Tané Tachyon: Oswald with my Biden/Harris sign, when it had just gotten dark enough out for the solar-powered star lights to come on
Tané Tachyon: I put my 2020 Biden/Harris sign out front again after having seen some (ugh) Kennedy signs. Here it is with a blueberry-apricot torte (the design of which was more intricate and densely-packed before the torte expanded while baking)
Tané Tachyon: Yet another kind of blueberry cake, sugar & cinnamon sprinkled on top, in front of the backyard plum tree (which starting next month will have more & more ripe plums just as blueberry season winds down), & yet another jade plant spreading all over
Tané Tachyon: I wanted to make a sunflower-shaped lemon cake again, but scoop out much of the seeds disk in the middle to fill it with blueberries for a more authentic sunflower dark-center look, plus to continue to use more blueberries as they continue to ripen
Tané Tachyon: A cute homemade "SQUIRREL CROSSING" sign across the sidewalk from where I caught a bus home after Wednesday's Spanish Conversation in the [Frederick Street] Park get-together
Tané Tachyon: Yesterday morning I noticed that the kid/pet-alert warning figure on my block was looking a little different now 😎️‍🌈
Tané Tachyon: Sunday's second pan of hot-out-of-the-oven lemon-blueberry scones with lemon-blueberry frosting, in front of more of the backyard blueberries that as they continue to ripen will take their own turns in one treat or another.
Tané Tachyon: This morning's hot-out-of-the-oven blueberry-lemon tart
Tané Tachyon: This afternoon's hot-out-of-the-oven farmers-market-apricots-and-backyard-blueberries galette in front of some backyard blackberries and mini-roses
Tané Tachyon: Arthur pets happy Tokyo at the Arthurs' house
Tané Tachyon: Big fancy yard flamingos at my neighborgood "The Garden Company" https://thegardenco.com/ - everything is so pretty and colorful there!
Tané Tachyon: Oswald resting with my California State Capitol tile. Follow the links in the description to see the tile's actual home on the bedside Lego table.
Tané Tachyon: Apple-cherry galette. I figured I wouldn't have time for a photo shoot because people were already waiting for slices, but then I had the idea to this time just photograph myself taking it out of the toaster oven when it had finished baking.
Tané Tachyon: The Lego Forestwoman proudly stands guard in the front yard "forest", one arrow made ready & others in her quiver
Tané Tachyon: Oswald and the whale #1
Tané Tachyon: Oswald and the whale #2
Tané Tachyon: Me at the big I/O sign at the 2024 Google I/O conference. Sadly there weren't any of the usual women-in-tech really-big group I/O-sign photos this year, due to organizations dropping communication channels or folding, but it was still great to be back.
Tané Tachyon: Sadly there was no giant Women Techmakers group photo in front of the I/O sign this year, but here's an indoor one right after Wednesday morning's WTM panel session. Um, I can see the top of my head in the top-left area of the photo.
Tané Tachyon: A 360° photo with myself and some friends sitting in Shoreline Amphitheatre during Marc Rebillet's Google I/O 2024 pre-keynote pre-show.
Tané Tachyon: A "Little Planet"-mode version of a 360° photo with myself and some friends sitting in Shoreline Amphitheatre during Marc Rebillet's Google I/O 2024 pre-keynote pre-show.
Tané Tachyon: My childhood-fave "golden crown ring rolls", each roll as usual dipped in butter and then lots of cinnamon-sugar before being put in the pan to rise and then bake, each roll not as usual having two cherries hidden inside.
Tané Tachyon: Happy Earth Day! Here's Oswald with one of the shirts I got at Saturday's 2024 Earth Day Event: Abbott Square & Downtown Santa Cruz celebration.
Tané Tachyon: Hot-out-of-the-oven blackberry cake amidst the raindrops-bedecked front-yard calla lilies on this on-again-off-again rainy spring day here in Santa Cruz
Tané Tachyon: I inserted tiny neodymium magnets into 2x4 #Lego bricks with studs on 3 sides, so they could stick to the metal parts cabinet next to my desk, and put Storm, Wolverine, Beast, & She-Hulk minifigs on them.
Tané Tachyon: Happy 14th anniversary ACA/Obamacare! As you see I even have two official Obama shirts related to it, & there was also a "BFD" one. 😎 I have two nice Biden/Harris shirts, but I wish they'd put out more cool "issue" shirts like Obama used to as
Tané Tachyon: Oswald looking at (and providing a surface for a few of) many of these small and sometimes-overlapping projections of the eclipse