Tané Tachyon: A view of the Columbia River from the Mitchell Point overlook, on the way to Walla Walla from Portland
Tané Tachyon: The nametags on Arthur and his roommate Colin's door are Magic Cards!
Tané Tachyon: Arthur and his roommate Colin pose by the Magic Cards nametags on their residence-hall room door
Tané Tachyon: I was pleased to see a gender-neutral bathroom on Arthur's floor of his residence hall -- all the bathrooms had animal pictures on the doors
Tané Tachyon: There was some kind of Snakes and Ladders game going along two floors of staircases in Lyman House
Tané Tachyon: Arthur points to his name on a sign listing the students in his section of the Lyman House residence hall at Whitman College
Tané Tachyon: Arthur goes through some of the Whitman College Class of 2017 orientation materials
Tané Tachyon: It looks like they're doing some kind of game/duel with their phones here, but actually Arthur is getting some kind of online security access set up, I think
Tané Tachyon: At Hunter Conservatory (where Arthur spent the debate-team-prep week prior to orientation) the lamps have legs
Tané Tachyon: The Whitman Fine Arts "interest house" student residence - it was such a hot day that I was pleased to see them touting their air conditioning in addition to the arts
Tané Tachyon: Arthur spots me taking a picture during lunch at the Garden Vegan Cafe
Tané Tachyon: Unpacked but not all set up yet -- later Arthur and Colin moved the furniture all around so that both beds were in the other room of their suite to be the bedroom, and both desks and wardrobes in this room
Tané Tachyon: Jon sits in the window of what will later be Arthur and Colin's study room, after they move all the furniture around in their suite
Tané Tachyon: This is what was on an inside wall of one of the bathroom stalls in Arthur's residence hall -- pages about "10 Weird Board Game Facts You Probably Don't Know"!
Tané Tachyon: One of the lunch tables at the Friday "New Students and Family Lunch" - other than a tray of pork and a tray of chicken, it was all vegan or at least vegetarian
Tané Tachyon: A pastries table (including vegan and gluten-free options) at the Friday "New Students and Family Lunch"
Tané Tachyon: Some of the food at Friday's "Family Farewell Reception" - other than the brie it was all vegan (which I keep pointing out because Arthur is vegan, so it was great to keep getting reassured that there would be plenty of food for him to eat)
Tané Tachyon: Lemonade, brownies and lemon-thyme cookies at Friday's "Family Farewell Reception"
Tané Tachyon: Jon and Arthur sitting outside at Friday's "Family Farewell Reception"
Tané Tachyon: Lyman House - the windows for Arthur and Colin's two suite rooms are just to the left of the door and balcony, on the third floor
Tané Tachyon: View from Arthur and Colin's study-room window, looking across Ankeny field toward the library
Tané Tachyon: Jon by Arthur's desk, which he is not quite finished setting up yet
Tané Tachyon: Arthur is putting more clothes away in his wardrobe, now that he has just gotten some new hangers
Tané Tachyon: And the view from Arthur and Colin's Lyman House bedroom, looking across Ankeny Field toward the library
Tané Tachyon: Arthur's bed for his first year at Whitman College
Tané Tachyon: Return to The Garden Vegan Cafe
Tané Tachyon: Colorful Arthur in front of a colorful painting at The Garden Vegan Cafe, displaying a photo of just that on his phone
Tané Tachyon: Arthur and Jon at Pioneer Park
Tané Tachyon: Farewell to Arthur for some months as he heads off for the "New student book discussion faculty panel" - I'll really miss getting to hang around with him all the time, but I think he will be very happy at Whitman College, and learn and accomplish a lot