Tané Tachyon:
Roll On Roll Off, used to illustrate the principle of movement in improv
Tané Tachyon:
Joya running a character exercise where each successive actor mimics the previous one
Tané Tachyon:
Arthur is called up (including by the audience chanting his name) to lead the "Story is King" improv game
Tané Tachyon:
Arthur leads the "Story is King" improv game
Tané Tachyon:
Josh leads a variation of the "Zulu" improv game where you have to dance while pitching your product
Tané Tachyon:
In the "People as Objects" improv game, Eli and Rory are a big pile of codfish
Tané Tachyon:
In the "Slow-Motion Olympics" improv game, commentators Josh and Rory cover Linus and Kassiah's electric-eel throwing sport
Tané Tachyon:
In the "Sentences" improv game, Erik and Dominic are jockeys in a horse race
Tané Tachyon:
In this combination of the "Death in a Minute" and "Dead Bodies" improv games, Linus is expiring on a trampoline made of spaghetti
Tané Tachyon:
Josh leads a variation on the "Zulu" improv game, where the actors have to speak with an accent in addition to pitching their products
Tané Tachyon:
Dominic has just finished reciting an adjective-noun improv poem
Tané Tachyon:
In the "Playbook" improv game, Julian and Ruben are trying on superhero costumes
Tané Tachyon:
Erik and Ruben in an improv game where only one actor can talk at a time, and the other one has to mime
Tané Tachyon:
Gabrielle does an adjective-noun improv poem, "My irridescence is like sharks"
Tané Tachyon:
Julian and Erik in the "Scenes from a Hat" improv game
Tané Tachyon:
In the "Scenes from a Hat" improv game, Eli and Kassiah are removing Rory's appendix
Tané Tachyon:
In the "Scenes from a Hat" improv game, Maleah and Ruben are trying to get Rory to judge which one of them is prettier
Tané Tachyon:
Circling up for mega Jeepers Peepers
Tané Tachyon:
Biggest Jeepers Peepers ever!
Tané Tachyon:
Joya addresses the post-Jeepers-Peepers crowd
Tané Tachyon:
Everyone sings "Happy Birthday" to Joya, and she offers some words on turning 60
Tané Tachyon:
Shawn is rounding everyone up for a group photo
Tané Tachyon:
An indoors Water the Weeds group photo
Tané Tachyon:
Photographing the photographers
Tané Tachyon:
And the outdoor group photo that the photographers were photographing
Tané Tachyon:
And afterward there were snacks