Tané Tachyon:
Playing a new game -- Ex Libris -- with Jay and Sam at Games Group today
Tané Tachyon:
Everyone raise your Mother Ship!
Tané Tachyon:
Flash Point - a cooperative game where you are trying to save people and pets from a burning house
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Agricola, with Dorothee, Erik, and Eli
Tané Tachyon:
Sorry Sliders
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7 Wonders with Sam, Connor, Linus, and Tomas
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The Joke Game and Magic Cards
Tané Tachyon:
Yes, as a matter of fact I do have two children
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Handheld electronic games, Boss Monster, Apples to Apples
Tané Tachyon:
Apples to Apples
Tané Tachyon:
Games Group whiteboard artists at work
Tané Tachyon:
Magic Cards and whiteboard art
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7 Wonders with Tomas, Sam, Dorothee, and Kristin
Tané Tachyon:
Alhambra with Sam, Erik, Tomas, and Kristin
Tané Tachyon:
Dorothee and Bill show their hands in 7 Wonders
Tané Tachyon:
Snacks and 7 Wonders
Tané Tachyon:
Sequence - normally I think of it as a short game, but in this case the board eventually got so completely filled up that it became obvious that nobody was going to win, and so they put it away
Tané Tachyon:
Another picture of the six-player Alhambra game, Battleship, and Stratego
Tané Tachyon:
A six-player game of Alhambra, plus Battleship and Stratego further down the table
Tané Tachyon:
Terra Mystica
Tané Tachyon:
Young whiteboard artists at work
Tané Tachyon:
Even Jasmin took a paperwork break to play a game of Blink
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An animated game of Seafarers
Tané Tachyon:
Puerto Rico and origami
Tané Tachyon:
A welcome back to Games Group at the start of the 2015-2016 school year
Tané Tachyon:
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Tané Tachyon:
Battleship and whiteboard art
Tané Tachyon:
Erik makes a move in Betrayal at House on the Hill
Tané Tachyon:
The Mau card game
Tané Tachyon:
Jonah and Erik play chess