Tané Tachyon: Sam is enjoying reading the (finally out) 2006-2007 AFE yearbook at his dorm-room desk
Tané Tachyon: Yearbook info/signup posters outside the AFE Resource Center
Tané Tachyon: AFE 2007-2008 Yearbook - Games Group page
Tané Tachyon: 2008 AFE Talent Sharing, facing yearbook pages version
Tané Tachyon: 2008 AFE 8th and 12th-grade graduation yearbook page
Tané Tachyon: Dracula's Molars yearbook page
Tané Tachyon: Cemetery Pickles yearbook page
Tané Tachyon: And here's a Water the Weeds yearbook page
Tané Tachyon: And a pets yearbook page
Tané Tachyon: Arthur, Israel, and Luke look at the AFE yearbook
Tané Tachyon: Brad, Luke, and Arthur look at the AFE yearbook
Tané Tachyon: Arthur shows Evan, Brad, and Luke the D&D page he made for the AFE yearbook
Tané Tachyon: AFE 2008-2009 Yearbook - Games Group page
Tané Tachyon: And here you can see the yearbook pages for the 2010 Talent Sharing
Tané Tachyon: 2010 AFE Graduation yearbook page
Tané Tachyon: 2009-2010 AFE Yearbook D&D/Role-Playing Games page
Tané Tachyon: 2010 AFE Yearbook Water the Weeds improv page
Tané Tachyon: 2010 AFE Yearbook Games Group page
Tané Tachyon: Arthur and Lucy looking through the yearbook at the 2010 AFE Welcome Back gathering
Tané Tachyon: AFE 2010-2011 facing yearbook pages for the 2011 Talent Sharing
Tané Tachyon: 2010-2011 AFE Yearbook Dungeons and Dragons & Role-Playing Games page
Tané Tachyon: 2010-2011 AFE Yearbook Games Group page
Tané Tachyon: 2010-2011 AFE Yearbook 20th Anniversary Celebration page
Tané Tachyon: Arthur and Michele look at the yearbook cover Arthur designed
Tané Tachyon: Arthur and Ari look at the yearbook; watermelons get chopped
Tané Tachyon: Lucy shows Israel her drawings, Arthur shows the back cover Michele designed for the yearbook
Tané Tachyon: Arthur and the Hatfields look at the yearbook
Tané Tachyon: 2012 AFE Yearbook Talent Sharing yearbook pages
Tané Tachyon: 2012 AFE Yearbook Games Group yearbook page
Tané Tachyon: Two graduating seniors are the first to stop at the yearbook table after Arthur sets it up