Tané Tachyon: Vampire-hunter Lucy discovers vampire Israel making a meal of hippie Gabriel
Tané Tachyon: Bad Romance at the 2010 AFE Family Halloween Dance
Tané Tachyon: Pokerface at the 2010 AFE Family Halloween Dance
Tané Tachyon: Around the World conga line at the 2010 AFE Family Halloween Dance
Tané Tachyon: Arthur and Lucy were voted "Best Couple" at the AFE Family Halloween Dance
Tané Tachyon: Arthur and some of the many friends who came over to go trick-or-treating together
Tané Tachyon: Halloween pumpkin 2010 - The Great Gatsby - see description below
Tané Tachyon: Post-trick-or-treating-candy-trading photo #1
Tané Tachyon: Post-trick-or-treating-candy-trading photo #2
Tané Tachyon: Post-trick-or-treating-candy-trading photo #3
Tané Tachyon: Post-trick-or-treating-candy-trading photo #4
Tané Tachyon: Happy Arthur has traded some of his candy away for six spider and pumpkin rings
Tané Tachyon: After everyone else had left, Israel, Zack, and Arthur were playing with one of the few balloons that had lasted the two weeks since Arthur's birthday party