Tané Tachyon: The menu for the DVD of the September 29 2006 Water the Weeds, Dracula's Molars, and 3 Days Later improv show at Club Caution in Santa Cruz
Tané Tachyon: Water the Weeds at Club Caution
Tané Tachyon: Water the Weeds at Club Caution
Tané Tachyon: Erik, Josh, and Diana
Tané Tachyon: Erik, Josh, and Diana #2
Tané Tachyon: Diana in the middle
Tané Tachyon: Arthur's been framed
Tané Tachyon: Zohar's got it
Tané Tachyon: Connor's got it
Tané Tachyon: Charley
Tané Tachyon: Luke and Brad
Tané Tachyon: Miles and Brandon
Tané Tachyon: WW Club Caution bows
Tané Tachyon: Dracula's Molars at Club Caution
Tané Tachyon: Dracula's Molars at Club Caution #2
Tané Tachyon: 3 Days Later intermission menu song
Tané Tachyon: The Club Caution menu 3 Days Later "performed" as an intermission song/restaurant plug
Tané Tachyon: 3 Days Later in a fishbowl
Tané Tachyon: 3 Days Later in a petri dish
Tané Tachyon: 3 Days Later building sandcastles at the beach
Tané Tachyon: 3 Days Later hellfire and damnation
Tané Tachyon: 3 Days Later Conner Devin Garrett
Tané Tachyon: 3 Days Later Garrett Ian Conner
Tané Tachyon: 3 Days Later Devin and Elowyn
Tané Tachyon: 3 Days Later Devin and Garrett
Tané Tachyon: 3 Days Later Lucy and Garrett
Tané Tachyon: 3 Days Later Sam and Lucy
Tané Tachyon: 3 Days Later Sam and Elowyn
Tané Tachyon: 3 Days Later Conner Garrett Ian