Tané Tachyon: The flyer for the May 27 2009 Yippee Skippee, Water the Weeds, and Dracula's Molars improv show
Tané Tachyon: A large warmup circle for all three groups before the May 27 2009 improv show
Tané Tachyon: Red-eyed Water the Weeds and Dracula's Molars members sitting in the back of the Actors' Theatre before the show
Tané Tachyon: And a side view of Dracula's Molars and Water the Weeds members sitting in the back of the Actors' Theatre before the show
Tané Tachyon: I had to keep a good hold on my camcorder tripod because some Yippee Skippee members and friends climbed onto the ledge next to it during the intermission
Tané Tachyon: Joya teaches the audience a Hawaiian song of blessing to sing during the following "Mingle Grid Bulk" improv game with Yippee Skippee
Tané Tachyon: Yippee Skippee in the 'Mingle Grid Bulk' improv game
Tané Tachyon: Vocally-warming-up Yippee Skippee knows they need unique New York
Tané Tachyon: Yippee Skippee in the "Triangle" improv game
Tané Tachyon: In the "Shirt Shift" improv game, some members of Yippee Skippee try to transfer oversized shirts from one partner to another while holding but not otherwise using their hands
Tané Tachyon: In the "I am a Tree" improv game Jonah is a tree and Iris is a bush
Tané Tachyon: In the 'Billy Billy Bop' improv warmup game, Gabriel, Erik, and Sam are playing in an orchestra
Tané Tachyon: "It must have been the French!" is Erik's realization in the "Solo Duet" improv game
Tané Tachyon: In the 'Magic Music' improv game, Saskia uses the volume of the audience's singing to deduce the placement of objects
Tané Tachyon: Lydia's character spins around happily in the "Scene on scene" improv game
Tané Tachyon: Joya teaches the audience a song (incorporating audience member names and interests) for Water the Weeds to do the "Roll On Roll Off" improv game to
Tané Tachyon: Water the Weeds with Joya in the "Roll On Roll Off" improv game
Tané Tachyon: In the "World's Worst" improv game, dog-walker Roy asks the dog not to tell anyone that he didn't actually walk it
Tané Tachyon: "Victor is here to save the day!"
Tané Tachyon: In the "Vendor" improv game, Arthur explains to "crazy" cell phone/hot dog-vendor Julian how being an uncle works
Tané Tachyon: In the "Interrogator" improv game, Charley tries to guess what crime Julian, Arthur, and Brandon are accusing him of (stealing manure from a rodeo and dumping it on the White House lawn)
Tané Tachyon: "My name is Arthur, and I'll sign the Declaration of Fun for all Humankind" - Arthur reading a sentence from the audience while the group says their names at the end of the show