Tané Tachyon:
Carmel's mother Kim, playing the piano
Tané Tachyon:
My friend Deirdre holding Carmel's father Sandy
Tané Tachyon:
Smokey rides his Big Wheel chopper bike
Tané Tachyon:
Carmel's mother Kim is a race-car driver
Tané Tachyon:
Carmel's mother Kim and Smokey "drive" a little lawnmower-engine-powered Model T-style car
Tané Tachyon:
Carmel's mother Kim, very pregnant with Carmel and her four brothers and sisters
Tané Tachyon:
Carmel's mother Kim, immediately after giving birth to Carmel and her four brothers and sisters
Tané Tachyon:
Kim watches as three-days-old Carmel and siblings are lined up for a photo
Tané Tachyon:
Carmel and her brothers and sisters are ten days old
Tané Tachyon:
Young Carmel and her brothers and sisters and two guinea pigs -- now that's a REAL puppy pile!
Tané Tachyon:
Small Carmel casts a tall shadow
Tané Tachyon:
Smokey and young Carmel sitting on the fence in their sweaters
Tané Tachyon:
Smokey and Carmel at Carmel's first birthday party
Tané Tachyon:
Smokey with some of the presents at Carmel's first birthday party
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Patrick holding Carmel's father Sandy at Carmel's first birthday party
Tané Tachyon:
Regina with Felix and Carmel at Carmel's first birthday party
Tané Tachyon:
Michele and Tyson holding Rascal and Sandy at Carmel's first birthday party
Tané Tachyon:
Carmel wearing one of her presents at her first birthday party
Tané Tachyon:
The Englewood Herald-Sentinel's August 21 1975 article about Carmel's first birthday party
Tané Tachyon:
Carmel and Snowy
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Carmel and Gato
Tané Tachyon:
Carmel waiting for a fancy dinner
Tané Tachyon:
Carmel and Smokey on Deirdre's family's riding lawnmower
Tané Tachyon:
Smokey and Carmel in the grass
Tané Tachyon:
Carmel in Deirdre's family's tree
Tané Tachyon:
Carmel the director
Tané Tachyon:
This is a drawing I had done back in 1981 when I was (successfully) trying to sell some things, including a small airline dog/cat carrier, to raise money for a move to San Francisco.