Tané Tachyon: Part of the menu for the DVD, which I need to get back to and finish at some point!
Tané Tachyon: Mercy's bubbles
Tané Tachyon: The Ledbetter Family Singers
Tané Tachyon: Owen on piano
Tané Tachyon: Lydia on cello
Tané Tachyon: Young improv set
Tané Tachyon: More young improv
Tané Tachyon: David on recorder #1
Tané Tachyon: David on recorder #2
Tané Tachyon: Isabel gets squirrely #1
Tané Tachyon: Isabel gets squirrely #2
Tané Tachyon: Christina on piano
Tané Tachyon: Shakespeare shorties
Tané Tachyon: Delilah dances
Tané Tachyon: Julia V. on violin
Tané Tachyon: Ellen T. on piano
Tané Tachyon: 3 Days Later at the 2007 AFE Talent Sharing - "ruthless" hot-dog-vendor Barak has just thrown a hot dog at Sam after killing it with mustard