Tané Tachyon: Improv performances collage
Tané Tachyon: When improv was young!
Tané Tachyon: Improv at the 2006 AFE Welcome Back picnic
Tané Tachyon: "Ask the Experts" improv game at the 2007 AFE welcome back picnic
Tané Tachyon: "Machine" improv game at the 2007 AFE welcome back picnic
Tané Tachyon: "I am a tree" improv game at the 2007 AFE welcome back picnic
Tané Tachyon: Arthur gives himself bunny ears in an improv circle at the 2007 AFE welcome back picnic
Tané Tachyon: In an improv skit, Arthur explains why he has repeatedly been late for work
Tané Tachyon: Statue Garden
Tané Tachyon: I Agree
Tané Tachyon: I am a tree
Tané Tachyon: Reckless Toddlers
Tané Tachyon: Soul Harvester
Tané Tachyon: Freeze-frame #1
Tané Tachyon: Freeze-frame #2 - Danielle sprays Erik with a hose
Tané Tachyon: Freeze-frame #3 - Gabriel is Sam's marionette
Tané Tachyon: Freeze-frame #4 - Sam is about to send Stefan's go-cart crashing into the wall
Tané Tachyon: Freeze-frame #5
Tané Tachyon: Character lineup, on the topic of alcohol and other drugs
Tané Tachyon: Ask the experts - Erik says it's a potato sack
Tané Tachyon: Dark improv!