Tané Tachyon: "SAMS HOUSE"
Tané Tachyon: Placing the WC2004 picture
Tané Tachyon: Arthur and Sam sit on Sam's dorm-room bed
Tané Tachyon: Sam sits at his dorm-desk-in-process
Tané Tachyon: All the rooms on Sam's floor of his dorm have floppy-disk nameplates, where you can rotate the media to display IN, OUT, or DND
Tané Tachyon: Sam had gotten a big bag of Beanie-Babies-type bears at Goodwill, and now there is one above each door on his floor of his dorm, all engaged in different activities
Tané Tachyon: Sam is enjoying reading the (finally out) 2006-2007 AFE yearbook at his dorm-room desk
Tané Tachyon: Sam reading a comic in the MLLL
Tané Tachyon: Another view of Sam in the MLLL
Tané Tachyon: "Hi to Arthur"
Tané Tachyon: Sam rides his bike back to his dorm
Tané Tachyon: Sam resting in his dorm room in the (striped by blinds) afternoon sun
Tané Tachyon: And the token Sam-anti-sets-up-his-dorm-room-at-Reed photo -- all packed up and ready to go home for summer