Tané Tachyon: Some vegetables and herbs from the AFE garden that had won blue ribbons at the Santa Cruz County Fair
Tané Tachyon: A scarecrow and planting arrangements that had won prizes at the Santa Cruz County Fair
Tané Tachyon: Now Arthur is wearing Ducky's new County Fair hat
Tané Tachyon: Ducky cannot believe her eyes -- is the world finally growing wise?
Tané Tachyon: Sam tries on Ducky's new County Fair hat
Tané Tachyon: Inside the Santa Cruz County Fair poultry barn I saw this member of Future Basilisks of America
Tané Tachyon: Outside the petting zoo, Arthur shows Sam the free Narconon pencil sharpener he got at a booth
Tané Tachyon: Horse-whisperer Arthur pays his 2011 visit to Dodgie the carousel horse
Tané Tachyon: This woman on stilts asked Arthur if perhaps he had come from a branch of her family tree
Tané Tachyon: Arthur drops a jelly bean in the "bean poll" ranking aspiring Republican presidential candidates
Tané Tachyon: Somehow an awful lot of vendors at the Santa Cruz County Fair had huge piles of these "i ♥ boobies" wristbands
Tané Tachyon: Arthur talks with a robot at the Santa Cruz County Fair
Tané Tachyon: What can I say, I was amused by this Santa Cruz County Fair 4-H exhibit -- check out the Disco definitions on the yellow display
Tané Tachyon: Arthur is looking at the Santa Cruz County Fair Lego contest entries
Tané Tachyon: Arthur with a black-and-white self-portrait, which won a first-place ribbon at the Santa Cruz County Fair
Tané Tachyon: Arthur with two of his self-portraits, one of which has won a first-place ribbon at the Santa Cruz County Fair
Tané Tachyon: Arthur and Dodgie are coming 'round the bend
Tané Tachyon: Dodgie 2010 - Arthur makes his yearly visit with Dodgie the carousel horse
Tané Tachyon: Julian and Arthur look at the Lego entries (there were sure a lot this year) at the Santa Cruz County Fair
Tané Tachyon: Julian photographs Arthur-in-Bieberland at the Santa Cruz County Fair
Tané Tachyon: Arthur with his photo (at top-left) "To the light", which has won "Best of Section" at the Santa Cruz County Fair
Tané Tachyon: Arthur with his photo "Butterfly Clover", which won a first-place ribbon at the Santa Cruz County Fair (and he says that this was not the expression he thought he was making when he posed for my photo)
Tané Tachyon: A blurry picture of Arthur with his photo (at lower-right) "Autumn Colours", which won a second-place ribbon at the Santa Cruz County Fair
Tané Tachyon: Good times on Dodgie and Joey
Tané Tachyon: Dodgie 2009
Tané Tachyon: Julian and Arthur ride the super slide
Tané Tachyon: Arthur shows Julian a glass crab he bought from a glassblower
Tané Tachyon: Stefan, Arthur, and Julian at the horse arena
Tané Tachyon: "Emotional Devotion"
Tané Tachyon: Arthur and Julian are looking at more of the Fine Arts entries