Tané Tachyon: Chelsea
Tané Tachyon: Jonathan
Tané Tachyon: Lindsey
Tané Tachyon: And a second one of Lindsey
Tané Tachyon: And a third one of Lindsey
Tané Tachyon: And a second one of Sam
Tané Tachyon: And a third one of Sam
Tané Tachyon: Sarasvati
Tané Tachyon: Stephanie
Tané Tachyon: The outside of the graduation program
Tané Tachyon: The inside of the graduation program
Tané Tachyon: Family members, staff, and flowers coming together to form an archway for the 2006 AFE K-7 promotion ceremony
Tané Tachyon: Sam is holding one end of a flower arch at the 2006 AFE K-7 promotion ceremony