BenSpark: #Trolls themed mini-cake. Fondant characters done by a very talented 3rd grader, Eva's friend Olivia. Part of a very special bake sale to raise money that was split between a donation to pediatric Cancer research and to help fund a personal trip. An altru
jennythebloggess: I fucking *knew* it.
WilWheaton: The 8-bit Bang Theory
BenSpark: Eva meets Ted Murphy
BenSpark: Eva meets Ted Murphy
WilWheaton: Cabbage patch kid cosplays as Picard
WilWheaton: Best. Tweetup. Ever. (better quality)
WilWheaton: I have no idea what this is about, but I like it.
Stephanie Precourt: Steph & Elizabeth
izzywigs: DSCF0052.JPG
sparksfley: Mrs. Flinger & Me
sparksfley: Me & Elizabeth
Hey Dana Jane: Elizabeth and Coffee
Hey Dana Jane: Bubblegum
Hey Dana Jane: She is awesome
Hey Dana Jane: Dana, Elizabeth, Anne Glamore
Genie Alisa: let the music move you
glennia: Powerful Blogger Lady & Author, Liz Gumbinner
Indiana Stan: 5d_26648_129
Indiana Stan: 5d_26647_1210
Indiana Stan: 1D3_13668_12x8
Indiana Stan: 1D3_13663_12x9
teefaye: Baby Toy
disneyworldphoto: Mom Blogger Mixer
disneyworldphoto: Mom Blogger Mixer