tabitharoder: Stuart Mealor opening mootNZ10
tabitharoder: Martin Dougiamas presenting at mootNZ10
tabitharoder: Martin Knott presenting at mootNZ10
tabitharoder: Julian presenting at mootNZ10
tabitharoder: Lou and Stu at mootNZ10 dinner
tabitharoder: Steak branding M for Moodle at mootNZ10 dinner
tabitharoder: Enjoying mootNZ10 dinner
tabitharoder: Tabitha and Shane at mootNZ10 dinner
tabitharoder: Tasty dessert at mootNZ10 dinner
tabitharoder: Joyce and Julian dancing after mootNZ10 dinner
tabitharoder: Miriam snapped on XO - olpc laptop
tabitharoder: Hotel So electric car