Br3nda: santa on public transport
Br3nda: Death star in orbit
vickel_n: Web 2 concept map - eLearning Project
wtstelzer: IMG_0386
wtstelzer: IMG_0388
wtstelzer: IMG_0048
hazelowendmc: Belma and Tabitha
hazelowendmc: Penny and Tabitha
hazelowendmc: Penny, Tabitha and Belma
hazelowendmc: Collaboration
T Gibbison: 2010_09_28_0247
mylearningspace: moot_113.jpg
mylearningspace: moot_067.jpg
dbrebner: olpc
Br3nda: DSC_1597
Br3nda: DSC_1590
isforinsects: DSC_6502
Clint T: Spotted these guys from the top look out
mylearningspace: moot_039.jpg
mylearningspace: moot_125.jpg
Dan Poltawski: Caught in the act ;)
Martin Dougiamas: Tabitha at Park Güell
Br3nda: img_0150.jpg
Br3nda: dsc02286.jpg
Br3nda: dsc02288.jpg
Br3nda: the almost weekly "Friends in testing" session
Br3nda: the almost weekly "Friends in testing" session
Br3nda: dsc02231.jpg
Br3nda: dsc02195.jpg