some_stuff: the rule is: Be Happy
YuriDl: Saudade de fotografar a Kely :/
Ana Berlanda: Os olhos dele fixavam-na com tanta intensidade
paulomelo: Little beauty
Honey Pie!: i (hug) books
~gciolini: branquinha.
Gab Minks: I'm a bird
Zá Scalon: Be my val...shhh.
Lua.ra: Red.
Alanna Rodrigues: Look at the sky, look at the river
Honey Pie!: (7.52) uk (plus) paris (plus) girlie
Honey Pie!: the jane austen book club
x_miinzi_21: phoebs!
chuvadevento: home is wherever I'm with You
Letícia Sally: Take care
Brenda Soeiro ∞: ♥ his bright eyes
some_stuff: All the promises turn to lies
waa_aaw: SONY DSC
Mary-inw: Russa & Russo
Mary-inw: Soulless and bent on destruction,