Patcard: Frozen getting unfrozen / Westjet Boeing 737-800 C-GWSV
Utah Images - Douglas Pulsipher: Salt Lake City Public Library
szeke: Salt Lake City Public LIbrary
broken thoughts: IMG_4595.JPG
DuffyMoon: Nonelectric Centrifugal Bumblepuppy
sajbrfem: cookie group--batch 2
sajbrfem: has a gay friend
sajbrfem: likes buffy
sajbrfem: likes kick ass chicks
sajbrfem: cookie--doesn't hit women
sajbrfem: cookie--cunt
sajbrfem: cookie--believes in equal pay
sajbrfem: works with women
sajbrfem: my mom works
sajbrfem: is pro choice
sajbrfem: cookie--fem
sajbrfem: cookie--has female friends
sajbrfem: cookie--not a racist
sajbrfem: cookie--not a rapist
sajbrfem: cookie--thinks women are people
sajbrfem: cookie--meets minimum standards
djwudi: Screw You, Whedon, Norwescon 32
jimbarnesIPPY: 150527_IPPY_Awards_0811
NatalieMaynor: For Tomorrow
Brian J. Geiger: Panoramic Skyline of New York City
tripporch: Gustav Klimt - tree of life, as interpreted by the folks of united Methodist children's home
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Most Amazing High Definition Image of Earth - Blue Marble 2012
cat_lanta: 2011 in Review
NatalieMaynor: Feeling Important
inazakira: I'm home, ORLANDO!