-Leek-: Landscape 1
-Leek-: Landscape 1 with PixelBender Oil Painting Applied
-Leek-: Landscape 2
-Leek-: Landscape 2 with PixelBender Oil Painting Applied
-Leek-: Marsden 3002
-Leek-: Marsden 3001
-Leek-: stonehenge 2
-Leek-: Stonehenge 3126BW
-Leek-: Stonehenge 3126
-Leek-: _DSC0486
-Leek-: _DSC0523
-Leek-: _DSC0494
-Leek-: _DSC0502
-Leek-: _DSC0513
-Leek-: _DSC0516
-Leek-: _DSC0518
-Leek-: Yuppie
-Leek-: Mixed Messages
-Leek-: Fishing Devices
-Leek-: _DSC8727
-Leek-: _DSC8871
-Leek-: _DSC8698
-Leek-: Tung Chung Apartments (distortion corrected)
-Leek-: View from a Room (distortion corrected)
-Leek-: Apartments Tung Chung
-Leek-: View from a Room
-Leek-: Apartments Tung Chung #2
-Leek-: Jardine House Hong Kong Island
-Leek-: Bamboo Scaffolding
-Leek-: I can now take photos in the dark... 1/10s @ 3200 ISO