swpolo12: Spotted Ratfish Again
swpolo12: Spotted Ratfish
swpolo12: Drift Creek Falls
swpolo12: Drift Creek Falls and Rapids
swpolo12: Drift Creek
swpolo12: Cozumel Sunset
swpolo12: Mitchell
swpolo12: Hood Canal, Washington
swpolo12: Mitchell and Lucas
swpolo12: Zoom Lens and a Tripod
swpolo12: Bekah
swpolo12: The Fern
swpolo12: Sunset
swpolo12: Life on the Lava Fields
swpolo12: Josh and Shannon
swpolo12: Mount Bachelor and the Three Sisters
swpolo12: Merry Christmas!
swpolo12: A Snowy Winter Wonderland
swpolo12: Porpoise Bay Again
swpolo12: The things that happen when we aren't looking...
swpolo12: Ferrofluid Rocks!
swpolo12: Ferrofluid Spikes
swpolo12: Ferrofluid
swpolo12: Go Towards the Light! Oh wait...
swpolo12: Water is Magnificent
swpolo12: A Far Away Place
swpolo12: The Rock?
swpolo12: The Lonely Tree
swpolo12: |`| |`| o
swpolo12: Angles