Ms. HC: A Verb for Keeping Warm classroom
Ms. HC: Blue Faced Leicester top
Ms. HC: Abandoned top
Ms. HC: Lead yarn
Ms. HC: This is how long the top was
Ms. HC: Tying the knot
Ms. HC: Grabbing a thumb's width of top
Ms. HC: Drafting the fibers
Ms. HC: Attaching the fiber to the lead yarn
Ms. HC: Attaching the fiber to the lead yarn
Ms. HC: Bring the fiber back away from the yarn
Ms. HC: The lead yarn on the hook
Ms. HC: The whorl with the lead yarn
Ms. HC: Letting the spin into the drafted fiber
Ms. HC: Letting the spin into the drafted fiber
Ms. HC: About to wrap the yarn around the shaft
Ms. HC: Letting the spin into the drafted fiber
Ms. HC: Pinching before I let the spin into the fiber
Ms. HC: Letting the spin into the drafted fiber
Ms. HC: Wrapping the yarn around the shaft
Ms. HC: Yarn!
Ms. HC: Yarn!
Ms. HC: Andean plying
Ms. HC: Andean plying
Ms. HC: After the Andean plying
Ms. HC: Rub the two ends together
Ms. HC: A niddy noddy
Ms. HC: Wrap the plied yarn around the drop spindle
Ms. HC: My homemade niddy noddy
Ms. HC: Yarn