Ms. HC: Pensive Chris
Ms. HC: This guy gave me ride to BART when I was in a freeway accident. We agreed cars are death machines.
Ms. HC: Keith Haring Altarpiece at the AIDS Interfaith Chapel, Grace Cathedral
Ms. HC: Shashtin!
Ms. HC: I found a giant pvc log to anchor the kite to, what luck!
Ms. HC: Attaching the line
Ms. HC: There's nothing to it except wind!
Ms. HC: Holding the keel
Ms. HC: Putting it all together
Ms. HC: Look at these succulents!
Ms. HC: Hey there
Ms. HC: Monte Alban
Ms. HC: Monte Alban: Ball Court
Ms. HC: Monte Alban: The Valley
Ms. HC: Monte Alban: Building J
Ms. HC: IMG_4240
Ms. HC: Monte Alban
Ms. HC: Monte Alban
Ms. HC: Monte Alban
Ms. HC: Monte Alban
Ms. HC: Monte Alban
Ms. HC: Monte Alban
Ms. HC: Monte Alban
Ms. HC: Monte Alban
Ms. HC: Agave
Ms. HC: Agave Distillery
Ms. HC: Agave Distillery
Ms. HC: Agave Distillery
Ms. HC: Fermented Agave (yummy!)
Ms. HC: Mitla