sweetdieseldesigns: A coffee cozy for the boy's music teacher. @iamkateyz @nydiak r u proud of me? ☺ #abeautifulmess #practicingmyembroidery
sweetdieseldesigns: One teacher gift done...✔
sweetdieseldesigns: Zippy pouches make such great gifts!
sweetdieseldesigns: First pair of @oliverands sketchbook shorts down...2 to go but they are close to being done. Woot! @kidsclothesweek #kcwc #oliverands #shorts #madras
sweetdieseldesigns: Patterns traced, fabric chosen, now to cut and sew. Joining in on the #kcwc fun @kidsclothesweek
sweetdieseldesigns: Backing done ✔ for my Girly Girl...#finishit13 #artgalleryfabrics
sweetdieseldesigns: Nothing like staying up to the wee hours if the morning sewing with your bestie and pandora! @elysesusandesign
sweetdieseldesigns: Gettin' it done...another wip done ✔ @artgalleryfabrics Rock N Romance when it was 'Girly Girl' #finishit13
sweetdieseldesigns: At the Sew Modern Retreat and I finished a wip backing yesterday...#soproductive
sweetdieseldesigns: It's hard to just pick one...swooning! @acraftyfox_amanda #westwoodacresgiveaway
sweetdieseldesigns: LV Fat Quarter Swap
sweetdieseldesigns: Family portrait because my mil insisted I got in the picture...
sweetdieseldesigns: Visiting with my mil and went to see some of her friends. This is a feedback quilt one of them was basting...I love it!
sweetdieseldesigns: Nothing like whipping up a skirt at the last minute for her Easter program...
sweetdieseldesigns: While the kids are on the mend from being Sick on my birthday weekend, I decided to tackle my weekender and get it out of the wip pile. Outside done...✔
sweetdieseldesigns: While the kids are on the mend from being Sick on my birthday weekend, I decided to tackle my weekender and get it out of the wip pile. Outside done...✔
sweetdieseldesigns: Hey @jenib320 betcha didn't know your lined drawstring bag could be a hat too! He's been wearing it all morning...too funny!
sweetdieseldesigns: A charity quilt top done from the productive ladies in the Charlotte Modern Quilt Guild sew-in today. #cltmqg
sweetdieseldesigns: Working on design and fabric placement for @super7syl traveling quilt #blueiguanas
sweetdieseldesigns: Another 'sursy' for my mama...
sweetdieseldesigns: A little mug rug for my mama dearest...
sweetdieseldesigns: Finally walking the show...#quiltcon
sweetdieseldesigns: Sweet friends! @alibuzanowski
sweetdieseldesigns: Hello American Girl retreat! With new quilts in tow... @alibuzanowski
sweetdieseldesigns: Happy Valentine's Day! Xoxo....
sweetdieseldesigns: The perfect (quick & easy) valentine. #instantgratification
sweetdieseldesigns: A little girly craft time and Valentine's going on here this morning...#warmsmyheart
sweetdieseldesigns: Channeling my inner @nydiak and @fromblankpages...and a thank u to @kelbysews this will be a pillow
sweetdieseldesigns: Another bee block...wonky log cabin for M.R. #dontworrybeehappy
sweetdieseldesigns: Catching up on bee blocks this morning...granny square for heather #dontworrybeehappy