Happy snappy nature: Red kite display
ferpectshotz: Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better...
ferpectshotz: Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it…
ferpectshotz: Self-preservation is the first law of nature...
Mathulak: Les iles sanguinaires (C☺rsica)
icemanphotos: A Wonderful Day
Michel2Montfort: Rome- Colisée by Night
Phil~Koch: A Spiritual Calling
ferpectshotz: We do not see nature with our eyes, but with our understandings and our hearts...
ferpectshotz: What I wanted to do was to paint sunlight on the side of a house...
ferpectshotz: Liberty is worth paying for...
ferpectshotz: In this world there is always danger for those who are afraid of it…
ferpectshotz: A man paints with his brains and not with his hands…
John A.Hemmingsen: Grøtfjord nights
baz'ss: gone wild.....
Cimarrón Mayor 19,000.000. VISITAS GRACIAS: 1- Una ventana hacia el cielo!!! Con la primera luz de la mañana y aún estrellas en el firmamento!!
Jaybre: _DSC2756-Pano-HDR.jpg
Tom Mortenson: Athabasca Falls
mgirard011: Le glacier de Jostedalsbreen
Phil's Pixels: A Mother's Protection
Phil's Pixels: Glacier Gold
supermansblanket1: flowers-6218
ropemi: picking up food
Ethos79: Shy and cute
Phil's Pixels: Reflecting on Rainier
Serkiz Oleg: Membracidae
Phil's Pixels: Sunset at Two Medicine
Nathan Demeny Photography: Capitoluim of Dunabe III
Eric Hines Photography: Aurora Borealis over Lake Michigan