Swamp-Life: Thrush
Swamp-Life: Thrasher chic
Swamp-Life: Red Tail
Swamp-Life: Cat Bird
Swamp-Life: American Black Duck
Swamp-Life: Upper Delaware River
Swamp-Life: Wood Ducks
Swamp-Life: Red Tail at Ramapo
Swamp-Life: Piper
Swamp-Life: Kingfisher
Swamp-Life: Hooded Mergansers
Swamp-Life: Red-Winged Blackbird
Swamp-Life: Red-Headed Woodpecker
Swamp-Life: Gallinule
Swamp-Life: Orchard Oriole
Swamp-Life: Orch. Oriole f
Swamp-Life: Red-Tailed Hawk
Swamp-Life: Red-Winged Blackbird baby
Swamp-Life: Red-Winged Blackbird
Swamp-Life: Gallinule and babies
Swamp-Life: Summer Tanager
Swamp-Life: Painted Bunting
Swamp-Life: Osprey with fish
Swamp-Life: Northern Parula
Swamp-Life: Red-Tailed Hawk
Swamp-Life: Glossy Ibis
Swamp-Life: Red-Headed Woodpecker