Photos by the Swamper: Sandhill Crane with adopted Gosling
Photos by the Swamper: Sandhill Crane with adopted Gosling !
Photos by the Swamper: Sandhill Crane with adopted Gosling
Photos by the Swamper: Gosling adapted by Sandhill Crane venturing out its own!
Photos by the Swamper: Gosling adopted by Sandhill Cranes
Photos by the Swamper: Gosling adopted by Sandhill Cranes
Photos by the Swamper: Gosling adopted by Sandhill Cranes
Photos by the Swamper: Gosling adopted by Sandhill Cranes
Photos by the Swamper: Mom & Pop Sandhill Crane with adopted Gosling
Photos by the Swamper: Photographing Sandhill Crane with adopted Gosling
Photos by the Swamper: Sandhill Cranes turning her eggs
Photos by the Swamper: Mom Crane with adopted Gosling (looks like the little one is saying "Mom, you just don't look right to me!" LOL
Photos by the Swamper: Gosling adopted by Sandhill Cranes
Photos by the Swamper: Gosling adopted by Sandhill Cranes
Photos by the Swamper: Female Sandhill Crane with her adopted Gosling
Photos by the Swamper: An interesting moment when 2 adult Canada Geese came by while Mom and her adopted gosling were resting on shore, the geese could not figure out why the gosling was with a crane!
Photos by the Swamper: Newly hatched Sandhill Crane with Mom
Photos by the Swamper: Newly hatched Sandhill Crane with Mom
Photos by the Swamper: Both parents with their chick and their adopted gosling
Photos by the Swamper: Hatchling Sandhill Crane
Photos by the Swamper: Crane Chick & adopted gosling
Photos by the Swamper: Crane nest composite
Photos by the Swamper: Dad with leaf stuck on his beak!
Photos by the Swamper: Adopted Gosling bonding with "mom"!
Photos by the Swamper: Mom's pride & Joy!
Photos by the Swamper: Sandhill Chick checking out a worm!
Photos by the Swamper: Sandhill Crane chick
Photos by the Swamper: Mom Sandhill Crane & chick
Photos by the Swamper: Sandhill Crane chick